The OpenMandriva project offers different image types available for download.
If in doubt, use the full featured Plasma6 x86_64 ISO image.
Enter the folders, select the release in the list, it should automatically open a download page from a mirror nearby your location.
If in doubt, go to OpenMandriva homepage at SourceForge and click the big green button "Download"
Click on the desired version to open the details, and download torrent or iso file from the links in the right panel.
Verify your ISO image to confirm that the file you downloaded is an exact copy of the file published on the download service.
To check the integrity of your local ISO file, generate its md5sum and sha256sum and compare with the checksums provided.
To transfer the live/installation image to an USB storage device you may use:
KDE isoimagewriter, SUSE Studio ImageWriter, Balena Etcher, dd command line.
If you use other usb-writing tools as some Windows tools (e.g. Rufus) you must select the 'dd' mode otherwise it will truncate the volume name and break the boot process.
Reboot your computer and set it to boot from USB.
Voila! You have got a fully working OpenMandriva system up. OpenMandriva comes as a live system, so there is no need of installation to try it.
Running OpenMandriva Lx in live mode is useful to know if it works well with your hardware.
Thanks for downloading OpenMandriva Operating System.
Any issue should be submitted it to our Bug Tracking system.
Please read carefully the Latest Release Notes and Errata.
If you like the OpenMandriva project and appreciate our work please consider to support us by donation.