OpenMandriva Team releases ROME 23.01
OpenMandriva ROME Platinum candidate has been released a short time ago and we are confident it has been enjoyed by the users.
To make sure you do not fall behind, we are announcing a new way to keep you up to date: ROME, the OpenMandriva rolling edition.

OpenMandriva Lx is a unique and independent, not based on any other, linux distribution. A direct descendant of Mandriva Linux and the first Linux distribution utilise the LLVM compiler. This release keeps using the entire LLVM toolchain which completes the work that began in 2015, even before Android switched its compilers.
While you can stay on Rock and get only security updates until you decide to update to a newer Rock point release, you may prefer ROME.
ROME is the rolling release designed for individual users, it will receive the most up-to-date packages including recent security and bug fix upgrades.
Our development branch, cooker, will continue as the main point of development. It can break at any time, so if you are using Cooker and you will not get scared if your system will break every now and then, nothing changes for you.
But if you are a user who needs a system to remain working, while still wanting to get the latest and greatest features without having to wait for a new point release, ROME is for you.
A lot of interesting things have happened in the rolling branch since the traditional point release (OpenMandriva Rock). Among others, KDE Frameworks 5.101, Plasma Desktop 5.26.4, KDE Applications 22.12.0 are in, and everything has been rebuilt with the clang 15.06 compiler.
Kernel 6.1.1 (clang compiled kernel as default, with the option to install GCC compiled kernel easily from the om-welcome module)
Plasma Desktop and graphics applications have been modified to handle the new JPEG XL file format.
Included in this release are:
LibreOffice suite beta1, Krita 5.1.4, Digikam 7.9, SMPlayer 22.7.0, VLC 3.0.18, Falkon browser 22.12, Chromium browser stable 108.0.
Unique OpenMandriva brand name tools: OM Welcome, OM Control Center, Repository Selector (repo-picker), Update Configuration (om-update-config), Desktop Presets (om-feeling-like), a tool that helps users to configure their desktop to resemble something they are already familiar with, be that Windows, Mac OS or a different Linux system.
Also available in the repositories:
Firefox 108.0, Thunderbird 102.6 Virtualbox 7.0.4, OBS Studio 28.1.2, GIMP 2.10.32, Calligra Suite 3.2.1, FFMPEG 5.1.2;
Zypper and dnf5 as alternative package managers, PHP 8.2.0, numerous games, tools, development tools, educational software.
More software upgraded to the latest version.
As always, please read the Release Notes and Errata.
The experimental rolling branch has existed unannounced since the release of 4.0, and it was tested and refined in the 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 cycle.
Development happens in Cooker, and once deemed safe for general use is copied to ROME repository.
We do not expect ROME to break, however minor hickups may still happen.
Download ROME Platinum Candidate
— At SourceForge
— Torrents
— Mirrors
A Gnome Desktop x86_64 spin is also available.
Spins: Community alternative desktop
Mainly supported by their maintainers. Any help is welcome. Bug fixing is not high priority
Available images at the time of writing:
-ROME 23.01 plasma.x86_64
-ROME 23.01 plasma.znver1
-ROME 23.01 gnome.x86_64
--Ampere Altra and emag: OpenMandriva-Lx-emag-23.01.img.xz
Some more builds for aarch64 devices will be added in the coming week.
Please keep in mind: never use Discover or dnfdragora to upgrade Rolling or Cooker since the command they use is only appropriate for Rock systems.
To perform full update after installation, open terminal and type:
sudo dnf clean all;dnf clean all;dnf repolist
sudo dnf --allowerasing distro-sync
Or use the convenient shortcut available in OM Control Center
For a much better GUI package manager use DnfDrake
Report impressions and issues at the forum
See also
Any big issues should get a bug report
You can get in touch real time with our developers at IRC channel #openmandriva-cooker at Libera Chat and in matrix.
Please note:
The ’Update channel’ set to Rolling. That means these ISOs use Rolling repositories.
Repositories should never be mixed.
To enable/disable additional repositories we have OpenMandriva own tool Software Repository Selector (om-repo-picker).
More information about ROME here:
More screenshots
You can read more about OpenMandriva Release Plan and Repositories, please visit:
If you want to help the project and support OpenMandriva, please consider joining our team or making a donation.